## News: MCPD is now accepting applications. Please check the MCPD Forums for more informations. ## Warrants of Arrest: Keep watching for more information. ## End Broadcast

{Sunday, August 06, 2006.## Receiving Signal... Encryption# 74253...}

{Decrypting Data..35%..67%..90%..Complete}
{Display Message?__}
{Displaying Message.....Signal 100%}

Hello Operative...

Welcome to the MegaCity Police Department.

New recruits please sign into the forums and fill out an application.
Earn your name.
Earn your place.
Earn your Badge.

Serve today, protect tomorrow.

Existing officers please log onto the forums.

To protect and serve, MCPD

Faction Rules and Regulations:

1. A superior officer is there for a reason. Show him the respect he is deserving of and follow his commands. If you have problems with superior officers, please send message to one of the main Captains on the forums by clicking on their user profile and choosing to send personal message.

2. Conduct. You are an officer and you will act as such. If any officer receives complaints against him concerning his miss conduct, they will be dealt with accordingly. In lesser cases you can be suspended or demoted. In extreme cases you can be removed from the faction.

3. RP. Every officer is not required to RP, but it is expected at least once or twice in needed conditions. This faction as a whole is an RP faction. We play the part of The Mega City Police, this requires RP in its self. When an officer is in game he / she will conduct herself as an officer when in public areas, and the faction uniform while in an RP event.

4. Have fun. We may be a serious faction, bent on walking the line of Law Enforcement, but we are ultimately here to have fun. So please do so.

{Message Relay Complete}
{End Of Message}

data entered at 12:29 AM .

Faction Biography:

The MegaCity Police Department, formerly known as "The Machines", began in the early days of launch in April 2005. Headed by Ms. Steele, "The Machines" faction was a giant alongside many other machine factions.

Putting on several Player Created Events, "The Machines" were a well established, and well received Faction by the community. However, The Machines sought to not take glory away from thier heads of the Organization, so "The Machines", became "The MegaCity Police Department" and roleplayers flourished throughout the faction. With this new name, "officers" were allowed to roleplay more frequently, and prove thier worth on the battle field.

However, unrest grew within the leadership, and the Ms. Steele changed intersts to the Merovingian, taking three Quarters of the active faction with her.

Under the New leadership of Imaximus, The Megacity Police Department shall rise again as one of the great machine factions on the recursion server.

So, ask yourself...
Do you have what it takes to join the MegaCity Police Department?

Check out the forums for more information.

MCPD Forums
MCPD Member Time Zones
Data Node One
MxO Resource
MegaCity Times
Free Domain Name Address

Faction Leader:
- Imaximus
    Machined Souls

Crew Captains:
- AnqeliqueMephisto
    The Echelon
- Storming
    Bullet Path